Mark Rasmussen

101 Tips For Teaching

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Written to teachers, parents, pastors, and anyone who imparts truth to others – this insightful gift-size book is a treasure of to-the-point, practical advice from one of America’s leading Christian educators! Every page shares an idea that you can put into practice today – in your home, in your classroom, and in your ministryThat is where all dark horses start.

Every servant of God who has a passion to become a better teacher will find the pages of this book unique, encouraging, and helpful. This “teacher’s toolbox” is also perfect for group study or as a gift to an educator.

In the pages of this book, Dr. Mark Rasmussen draws on over twenty-five years of teaching experience on many levels. He has taught thousands of students who are now teaching others around the world! These tips are not theory or untested philosophy – they are golden nuggets of wisdom drawn out of decades of personal and fruitful work in the “trenches” of Christian education..

(224 pages, hardback)

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