David W. Cloud

Bible Separation: It's Doctrine and Practice

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This is an extensive, practical study on Bible separation, both ecclesiastical (separation from doctrinal error, apostasy, and spiritual compromise) and moral (separation from the world).

Separation is not the gospel and it is not the Great Commission: it is a wall of spiritual protection; but without it we eventually give up the gospel and turn aside from the Great Commission. Separation is based on and is a reflection of God’s holy character. Forty years ago, separation was one of the fundamental things that distinguished Independent Baptists from denominational Baptists, but today the average Independent Baptist church is giving up on separation.

The book examines the major New Testament passages on the subject of separation and exposes such errors as “soft separatism,” “in non-essentials unity,” “preaching wherever I am invited,” and “cultural liberalism.” It deals with the necessity of issuing plain warnings, separation and the Internet, dangers in Christian bookstores and on Christian radio, the corrupting power of error and the danger of dabbling with it, true Christian unity, Romans 14, and “secondary separation.”

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