David W. Cloud

Bible Times & Ancient Kingdoms

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Bible Times and Ancient Kingdoms is a training course on Bible geography, Bible culture, Bible history, and Bible archaeology, which has a two-fold objective: to present apologetic evidence for the Bible and to give background material to help the student better understand the setting of Bible history.

This book covers the fascinating historical world of the Bible from Genesis to the New Testament, dealing with the Table of the Nations in Genesis 10, the Tower of Babel, Ur of the Chaldees, Egypt, Baal worship, the Philistines, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, David’s palace, Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, Edom, the Nabateans, and the Spice Route, Ahab and Jezebel, the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel, the Assyrian Empire, Hezekiah and his times, Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylon, the Medo-Persian Empire, the Greek Empire, Herod the Great and his building projects and temple, the Roman Empire and her rule over Israel, Christ’s ministry on the Sea of Galilee, the journey from Jericho to Jerusalem, Christ’s Passion Week, and Rome’s Destruction of Jerusalem.

Many of the archaeological discoveries from the past 200 years, which are mentioned in the course, are so fascinating and improbable that they read like a novel. It is easy to see God’s hand in this field, in spite of its prevailing skepticism.

The course also deals with Bible culture, such as weights and measures, plant and animal life, Caesar’s coin, the widow’s mite, ancient scrolls and seals, phylacteries, synagogues, false messiahs, judgment in the gate, ancient shipping and commerce, cosmetics, fine linen, the fig, pomegranate, olive, sycomore, cedar, oak, carob, myrtle, terebinth, tamarisk, juniper, acacia, mustard seed, idolatry, camel, coney, Syrian bear, Asiatic lion, wild ass, wild goat (ibex), partridge, divination, tombs, the operation of ancient lamps, ancient war methods, ancient fishing techniques, millstones, pottery wheels, wine presses, olive presses.

Each section includes maps to help the student place the events in their proper location.

The course is packed with important but little-known facts that illuminate Bible history and culture. The preparation for the book is extensive, the culmination of 47 years of Bible study, teaching, and research trips. In this context the author built a large personal library and collected information from major archaeological museums and locations in North America, England, Europe, Greece, Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, and Israel. We guarantee that the student who completes the course will read the Bible with new eyes and fresh enthusiasm.


Copyright 2013, 2022 Edition, Way of Life Literature, paperback, 716 pages.

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