Eric Metaxas

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy (Abridged)

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Product Description

A gripping story of moral courage in the face of evil! In this definitive and highly readable abridgment, Metaxas details previously unknown facts about Bonhoeffer's life---including his decision to return to Germany and his passionate romance---and documents his role as a double agent in the plot against Hitler. Includes several photographs and a new essay. 256 pages, softcover from Nelson.

Product Information

Title: Bonhoeffer Abridged
By: Eric Metaxas, Timothy Keller
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 256
Vendor: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2014
Dimensions: 8.38 X 5.50 (inches)
Weight: 8 ounces
ISBN: 0718016165
ISBN-13: 9780718016166
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