James W. Knox

The Book of Zechariah

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  • The Book of Zechariah
  • The Book of Zechariah


This commentary tackles what many believe to be the most difficult book in the Bible. Verse-by-verse and word-by-word exposition will give the reader insight and understanding into the literal truth of this portion of prophetic scripture.

Of all the Old Testament writers, only Isaiah gives us a more detailed look at the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ than does Zechariah. Its emphasis on the great tribulation, second coming of Christ, and millennial kingdom makes it a book of hope and excitement for all believers.

Appendices give the curious an opportunity to ponder The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, the Great Pyramid, and UFOs — all viewed in light of scripture.

Every serious student of the word of God will profit from this detailed study. Brother James' comments are thorough, easy to read, and though-provoking.


James W. Knox, copyright 1998, paperback, 265 pages.

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