Lamoyne Sharpe

By Faith: An Expositional Study of Hebrews

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  • By Faith: An Expositional Study of Hebrews
  • By Faith: An Expositional Study of Hebrews


"Hebrews is no doubt one of the most controversial books in the Bible. This is one of the main reasons that most pastors never do an in-depth study of Hebrews with their people. They merely preach from familiar texts within the book... It was with this attitude that I undertook this study. I do not claim to have all the answers to the spiritual problems of life. Nor do I claim to have the last word on the difficult passages of the Bible. But I do try to be honest in my approach to the Study of God's Word."

-In the Foreword, Lamoyne Sharpe.


Lamoyne Sharpe, copyright 2003, paperback, 260 pages.

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