BJU Press

English 5 (Teacher) 3rd ed.

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The English 5: Writing & Grammar (3rd ed.) two-volume teacher edition provides teaching strategies in each phase of the teaching cycle. Each teaching strategy supports educators in developing understanding of standard English conventions, building familiarity with and mastery of the writing process, and teaching study and research skills.

What do the lesson plans include?
The lesson plan follows the structure of the teaching cycle:

Engage: In this phase of the cycle, educators will find instructions for leading students in activities that introduce or review lesson topics, visual analyses of full-page illustrations, and discussions of mentor texts.
Instruct: Suggested teaching strategies help educators to guide students through the material, including modeling activities, more discussion, and guided practice.
Apply: In the application phase, educators will find suggestions for independent practice and collaborative learning activities.
Assess: Educators will find a variety of options for assessment. Assessment suggestions draw from all the resources available in the English 5 product line. Teacher and peer writing conferences, writing projects, journaling activities, practice pages, cumulative reviews, and the printed assessments offer opportunities for pre-assessment, formative assessment, and summative assessment.

Lesson plan overviews at the beginning of each chapter
Grammar chapters, writing chapters, and a study and research chapter
Reduced student pages to keep teachers and their students on the same page
Answers to worktext pages
Instructional aids with additional visual aids, class activities, and rubrics for each writing project to simplify grading

ISBN - 978-1-64626-375-2
Author - BJU Press
Copyright Year - 2023
Edition - 3rd ed.
Format - spiral
Length - 655 pp.
Grade Level - 5
Publisher - BJU Press

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