Warren Smith


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Evangelical—In, of, or according to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible.

Gullible—Easily deceived.

Evangullible—Easily deceived by teachings that contradict the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the literal teachings of the Holy Bible.

Over the last four decades, the unholy spirit and deceptive false teachings of a New Age/New Gospel have worked their way into an undiscerning and all-too-gullible church. Pastors and church leaders who years ago warned about New Age deception have hardly talked about it since. As a result, this New Gospel of the New Age is presently viewed by most believers as a long-ago past occurrence even as its overlapping terms, false teachings, and deceptive practices continue to creep into the church.

Thus, while many church leaders and pastors talk about the cultural challenges of the day and the need for revival, they say almost nothing about our Adversary’s spiritual schemes and devices. And while these same leaders write dramatic books and letters exhorting the church to be “courageous,” to “speak out,” and to “not be silenced,” they have been effectively silenced themselves when it comes to spiritual deception in the church. Instead of exposing spiritual evil, contending for the faith, and fighting the good fight, they often advocate, endorse, or turn a blind eye to the very things they should be confronting.

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