EPS Literature

Explode The Code Teacher's Guide For 1 And 2

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King: 1 in stock; Statesville: 1 in stock


Grades 1 - 3

This teacher's guide accompanies Explode the Code: Book 1 and Explode the Code: Book 2, and provides instructors with additional options for instruction and skill reinforcement.

Lessons include a short review, separate sections with specific instruction for phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, writing, and review (some activities reference using the Wall Chart and Activity Book or Card set), as well as instructions for completing the pages in the student workbook. Additional notes for differentiating instruction by learning style (visual, auditory, kinesthetic) are also included, along with challenge exercises and extra practice found in the half-books (Book 1 1/2 and Book 2 1/2). Instructions for the student pretest found in Book 1, as well as instructions for the post-test forms found in all four books.

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