This workbook contains one lesson for each chapter of Fall and Winter in North Carolina Forests. Multiple-choice exercises and essay questions help the reader retain the information learned from...
This teacher's edition of the Spring and Summer in North Carolina is a copy of the student workbook with the answers filled in. The Wilson children live in the mountains of western North Carolina,...
The world around us contains many surprises, as the three Wilson children discover. What is the pale green glow off in the woods the night they camp out? What secret does the white pine hold? This...
This teacher edition is for the Traveling North Carolina textbook. This curriculum is for elementary-schoolers (intended for fourth graders) and is a history of the state of North Carolina from it's...
This textbook for middle-schoolers (intended for seventh graders) is a history of the state of North Carolina from it's pre-Columbian natives up to present times. It is written from a Biblical...
This textbook for middle-schoolers (intended for seventh graders) is a history of the state of North Carolina from it's pre-Columbian natives up to present times. It is written from a Biblical...
Through His prophets, God sent many warnings of what would happen to His chosen people if they neglected His law and His many warnings. Though there were periodic revivals under God-fearing kings...