Harold Vaughan


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The Bible never promises that others will always get along with us, but it does tell how weshould respond to them. That's what this book is all about: our part in getting along with others. There is no scriptural truth that begs more to be practiced in our day than forgiveness. So many are in bondage because of bitterness. Deep hurts, broken promises, awful crimes, and piercing woundshave left tremendous scars and devastating divisions.

The Bible prescribes the cure in such cases: forgiveness and reconciliation. Utopia is not promised in this life. Offenses will come. Sometimes we are the offender; other times we are the offended. When offenses come, we must know and practice the truth of forgiveness. Through Calvary, forgiveness has become a blessed reality. Healing, liberation, and lasting freedom are yours for the taking. It is our desire that many will be set free by the truth presented in this book.

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