Harry Ironside

Full Assurance - Finding Peace With God

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In penning the pages of this book, I have but one outstanding object before me—to make as plain as possible just how any troubled soul may find settled peace with God. I am thinking particularly of those people who believe the Holy Scriptures to be divinely inspired and who recognize that salvation is only to be found in Christ, but someway have missed the “peace of a perfect trust” and though earnestly desiring to know the Lord, are floundering in perplexity of mind.“Full assurance!” What could be more precious? And it is for you if you want it; only you must receive it by faith. For observe carefully, it is not the full assurance of an emotional experience, nor the full assurance of a carefully reasoned-out system of philosophy. It is the full assurance of faith. The feeblest faith in Christ is saving faith. The strongest faith in self, or in something other than Christ, is but a delusion and a snare, and will leave the soul at last unsaved and forever forlorn.Assurance forever! Is it not a wonderfully pleasing expression? Assurance not for a few days, or weeks, or months—nor yet for a few years, or even a lifetime—but forever! It is this blessed assurance that God delights to impart to all who come to Him as needy sinners seeking the way of life.—Harry Ironside

Product Information:

Title: Full Assurance: Finding Settled Peace With God
By: Harry Ironside
Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 160
Vendor: Lighthouse Trails Publishing
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 7.81 X 5.06 X 0.36 (inches)
Weight: 6 ounces
ISBN-13: 9781942423485

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