John G. Butler

Galatians To Philemon: Vol. 13 (Analytical Bible Expositor)

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The Analytical Bible Expositor is a new commentary series from pastor John G. Butler. This unique set is a chapter by chapter exposition/study of the Scriptures. Main features include:

Analyzation: Every chapter of the Bible is treated as a unit and is a separate chapter in the books. The chapters are outlined into main points, and sub-points, often with many sub-sub points.

Alliteration: All outlines are alliterated, a hallmark of the author.

Annotation: The comments of the outlines are the meat of the books and consist of explanations, clarifications, interpretations, and exhortations, (practical applications).

This set of books will prove helpful for both preacher and teacher. It will assist them to understand the Scriptures and also will give them a multitude of invaluable sermon and lesson outlines and material. 

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