“Winning souls is the chief business of the Christian minister and of every believer in Jesus,” writes Spurgeon. The most compelling preacher of the 1800’s, Spurgeon continues to challenge today’s...
“Soul-Winner’s Fast” presents reasons for fasting and models of practicing this classic discipline from Scripture. With twenty-four assignments and more than 100 verses, this study walks people...
“Blessed Hope” digs into the second-coming of Christ. Fifty-two assignments and more than 150 verses encourage the believer to anticipate and look forward to this glorious event. Scriptures prompt...
Tracks Include1. Little At A Time2. Rock Of Ages3. I'm Living For Him4. Lord It's Just Another Hill5. Jesus Signed My Pardon6. Little Grain Of Sand7. Only The Blood8. Lord I'll Sing9. Only As I Am10...
This leather-bound pocket-size New Testament has an easy to read type face, ribbon marker, and dozens of helps for the Christian worker who is interested in leading other souls to Christ...
This leather-bound pocket-size New Testament has an easy to read type face, ribbon marker, and dozens of helps for the Christian worker who is interested in leading other souls to Christ...
Product Description Octavius Winslow was a Baptist minister in the 19th century. Winslow was also a popular writer amongst all Christians as his devotionals are comforting.
The winning of souls to trust in Jesus Christ and be saved from their sin is the principal duty of every Christian in the world. This is the thing nearest to the heart of God. This is why He sent His...