Child Evangelism Fellowship

God: The One Who Knows My Heart (Flashcards)

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Lesson 1 - The Heart that Follows God (Saul is given the kingdom) Memory verse Psalm 119:9
Lesson 2 - A Heart after God (David is annointed king) Memory verse Psalm 119:10
Lesson 3 - The Heart Bold for God's Glory (David and Goliath) Memory verse Psalm 119:10
Lesson 4 - The Heart that Trusts God's Plan (David and Jonathan; David sparing Saul's life) Memory verse Psalm 119:11
Lesson 5 - God's Heart of Kindness (David is made king; Mephibosheth) Memory verse Psalm 119:11
Lesson 6 - A Heart for God--The Rest of the Story (a look at the second half of David's life; Solomon building the Temple) Memory verse Psalm 119:9-11

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