Thomas Knickerbocker

God's Design for Clothing

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Have you ever wondered how man began to cover himself and develop clothing to dress himself? Does the Bible really say that much about different kinds and functions of clothing? Yes, it does - over 1,120 times! Included in this list are at least 62 different articles of clothing mentioned by name.

God was the first serious clothes designed. Adam and Eve received a new wardobe at the hands of their Maker because of their naked condition caused by wilful sin. From that day to this, clothing as served many functions. Look at the chapter titles to see what they are!

Believer, do not be afraid to analyze today's dress styles in light of the principles of the Word of God. God's warnings are meant to be a protection and blessing to you, not to inhibit your freedom in Christ as a Christian.

The problem for so many believers today is that they allow the world to determine their dress standard. But as Vance Havner once quipped, "This world is no friend of grace to help us to God." He went on to say, "When I see a bird that walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, paddles in the water like a duck and prefers the company of ducks; I conclude that it must be a duck. Birds of a feather flock together, and where we feel most as home is where we belong."

To whome do you belong? If you are born of the Spirit, you belong to God. In His Word He gives clear commands and principles to follow that will aid in being a good testimony to the lost and a help to your fellow believer.

This book will help you sort ouf God's instructions from man's personal preferences so you can make a clear decision on what God intends for His own in the matter of dress. May God bless you as you digest its contents.


Copyright 2008, Thomas Knickerbocker, paperback, 95 pages.

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