J.R. Miller


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Homes are the divinely ordained fountains of life. It is not by accident that men live in families rather than solitarily. THe human race began in a family, and Eden was a home. The divine blessing has ever rested upon nations and communities just in the measure in which they have adhered to these original institutions, and have kept marriage and the home pure and holy; and blight and curse have come just in the measure in which they have departed from these divine models, dishonoring marriage, and tearing down the sacred walls of home.

This book is written in the hope that its pages may carry inspiration and a little help, perhaps, to those who desire to do faithful work for God within their own doors. Its aim is to mark out the duties and responsibilities of each member of the household, and to suggest how each may do a part in making the home-life what God meant it to be.


Printed by Bethel Baptist Church, London, ON. Ninth edition, paperback, 194 pages.

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