Shelly Hamilton

Hymnproviser 3: Preludes and Congregational Accompaniments

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(Level: Intermediate - Advanced)

The purpose of the book:

-To have 31 already improvised hymns, following hymnbook harmonies, for congregational accompaniment
-To enhance and set the spiritual "mood" of the service with developed preludes, including transitions
-To have improvised hymns suitable for communion services and invitations
-To see implemented fill-in techniques learned in the Hymnproviser-The Art of Hymnprovising-Text/Workbook
-To broaden the improviser's style and strengthen the church's congregational singing
-To learn a style by direct imitation

Songs Included:

1. Come, Christians, Join To Sing

2. I Will Praise Him

3. To God Be The Glory

4. I Am Resolved

5. When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder

6. When We All Get To Heaven

7. Blessed Assurance

8. A New Name In Glory

9. Wonderful Grace Of Jesus

10. I Have Decided To Follow Jesus

11. Bless The Lord, O My Soul

12. I'll Live For Jesus

13. Were You There

14. Near The Cross

15. It Is Finished

16. Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee

17. We Gather Together

18. Come, Ye Thankful People, Come

19. The Star Spangled Banner

20. America The Beautiful

21. The Battle Hymn Of The Republic

22. My Country 'Tis Of Thee

23. Christ Arose From The Dead

24. In The Garden

25. Christ Arose

26. Born To Die

27. O Little Town Of Bethlehem

28. O Holy Night

29. I Want To Be Faithful

30. My Life Is Thine

31. Servant's Heart

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