David W. Cloud

Way of Life Commentary: Isaiah

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  • Way of Life Commentary: Isaiah
  • Way of Life Commentary: Isaiah


Commentary on the book of Isaiah.

Isaiah is the Hebrew Yesha-yahu or Yeshayaw, meaning “Jehovah is salvation.” It is synonymous in meaning with Joshua and Hosea. Isaiah was one of the most talented and influential men of history. He was a prophet, a preacher, a theologian, a social critic, a statesman who advised kings, a poet, a psalmist.

Isaiah is greater in scope and depth and beauty than any other prophet. It comprehends and anticipates all the other prophetic books. Isaiah is a whole Bible in itself. It is an infinite book. The believer could study Isaiah for hours every day of his life and not begin to come to the end of its teaching.

The overall theme is found in Isaiah’s name, which means “Jehovah’s salvation.” It refers to the salvation of Israel (Isa. 45:17), the salvation of the Gentiles (Isa. 45:22), and ultimately the salvation of the creation through Christ. Isaiah sees a new heaven and a new earth (Isa. 66:22).

Isaiah a "Little Bible"
The book of Isaiah has been called the little Bible because both Isaiah and the Bible have 66 chapters, and both are further divided into 39 chapters and 27 chapters.

Commentary Series
This series is designed in a unique format to be used as commentaries, as teaching courses, and for expository preaching. The commentaries are thorough, serious, broad, insightful, and practical, with an emphasis on application to the Christian life and ministry. Context is honored; words are defined; metaphors are explained; difficulties are tackled. The commentaries are packed with historical backgrounds and archaeological studies based on the author’s personal research, which is reflected in books such as Bible Times and Ancient Kingdoms and Jews in Fighter Jets. The interpretation is from a literal, dispensational perspective, and the King James Bible is explained but not criticized. There is no hint of modernism nor influence from compromised evangelicalism. The user will find no reference to or dependence upon men such as Origen, Jerome, Augustine, C.S. Lewis, Eberhard Nestle, or Bruce Metzger.


Way of Life Literature, copyright 2018, paperback, 425 pages.

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