Edward Hindson and Daniel Mitchell

KJV Bible Commentary For Today

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Product Description

If your preference is the KJV, this commentary is a must-have! It features the most up-to-date, accessible analysis of every passage, with verse-by-verse expositions from multidenominational, conservative scholars. Antiquated English, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek words are explained. The original authors' intended meanings are parsed, and linguistic, historical, and archaeological insights provided, along with 14 maps.

Product Information

Title: King James Version Bible Commentary for Today: The most up-to-date commentary on the time-honored text of the King James Version
By: Edited by Edward E. Hindson & Daniel R. Mitchell
Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 2080
Vendor: Thomas Nelson
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 9.125 X 7.375 (inches)
Weight: 4 pounds 3 ounces
ISBN: 0310153549
ISBN-13: 9780310153542
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