Barbour Publishing

KJV Study Bible, Indexed (Imitation, Evergreen)

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Now in its fifth century, the King James Version is still among the most beloved and trusted translations available---and this handsomely-packaged study Bible brings the KJV to life for twenty-first-century men. Nearly 6,500 notes provide understanding of theological matters, confusing Bible practices, and antiquated wording. Also including introductions for each Bible book, color maps of biblical lands, a dictionary/concordance of key Bible names and terms, and the words of Christ in red, The KJV Study Bible also features gilded page edges and thumb indexing. It's an excellent resource for personal study, Sunday school, and small group preparation---for KJV fans and those who've been reading modern Bible translations.

Product Information:

Title: KJV Study Bible--imitation leather, evergreen (indexed)
Format: Imitation Leather
Number of Pages: 1416
Vendor: Barbour Bibles
Publication Date: 2023
Dimensions: 8.50 X 5.38 (inches)
Weight: 1 pound 10 ounces
ISBN-13: 9781636092713
Series: King James Bible
Text Color: Red Letter
Text Size: 8 Point
Note Size: 7 Point
Thumb Index: Yes
Ribbon Marker: Yes
Page Gilding: Silver

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