Lamoyne Sharpe

Majoring on the Minors

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  • Majoring on the Minors
  • Majoring on the Minors


A Study of the Old Testament Minor Prophets: Hosea through Malachi.

The title "Minor Prophets" on the surface seems to indicate that these twelve books are of minor importance. But when you begin to study them, you find that their messages are of major importance.

These prophets followed no regular pattern, coming from varying backgrounds and circumstances of life. They held no special qualifications to suit them for the tasks reserved for them by God. Thus the calling and the gifting for the task of speaking for God indicates the soverignty of God in selecting His messengers.

Even though these books were written in the distant past to different people under different circumstances, they are just as up-to-date as the evening news on television or the morning newspaper. As we study each book we will find a similarity to our day and and circumstances. Thus we can profit much from these studies.

-From the Foreword, by Lamoyne Sharpe


Quill Publications, copyright 2004 by Lamoyne Sharpe, paperback, 352 pages.

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