Burley Moore

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage

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Burley W. Moore is an ordained Southern Baptist pastor. As a teenager he responded to God's call to serve in the Christian ministry. Since 1968, he has been actively involved in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helping to discple the church. He has pastored nine different congregations and retired from the pastorate in 3008. In 2006, he began Covenant of Grace Ministries and now stays occupied in this internet and radio ministry, as well as local pulput supply. His emphasis is on the expository teaching of God's Word. 

This book is the first that he publishe in 1997. Upon retirement, he wrote and published his autobiography entitled My Life as a Pastor, Shepherding God's Sheep and Herding Goats

In the writing of this book, he admits not having all the answers to the long-debated problems of divorce and remarriage. However, it is his desire to raise some questions that demand honest answers from leaders within the church. He feels that the church ought to be consistent in what is professes to believe and what it practices. His goal is to stimulate thinking and perhaps help the church to become more biblical in its treatment of divorcees. 

Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage is the result of the author's personal struggle to find what God's Word really teachers, in particular, about divorce and remarriage. It is his belief that God's "grace" is not limited to those who are single or only mariage once, but it is extended to all who will receive it, even to those who have experienced a marriage failure. May God help all who read this book to find it not only mentally challenging, but spiritually liberating. 


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