Nehemiah was a Hebrew living in Persia who knew that the wall of his city, Jerusalem, was broken down and would need to rebuilt to keep the returning Jews safe in the city. As he prayed, the Persian king Artaxerxes gave him permission to return and even provided supplies for the rebuilding. Inspired by Nehemiah s leadership, the Jews overcame danger and threats to rebuild the wall in a amazing 52 days. On a subsequent return to the city, Nehemiah found many of the Jews in apostasy, but he forcefully calls them back to obedience to God. Show Less
He was headstrong and impulsive. He also denied three times that he knew Jesus Christ. But Christ called him “The Rock’ and he proved faithful to Jesus Christ until the end. The life and death of...
The story of Esther is the story of the Jews, and also the start of the Jewish holiday Purim. A young orphan is raised by her uncle and providentially placed as Queen of the powerful King...
He was God’s great general and the one selected by God to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land after the death of Moses. Art Ayris is Publisher at Kingstone Comics as well as the author of 101...