Worship Service Resources

Organ Accompaniment for 25 Favorite Hymns CD

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King: 0 in stock; Statesville: 1 in stock


Songs Included:

1. All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
2. Amazing Grace
3. Blessed Assurance
4. Christ the Lord Is Risen Today
5. Crown Him With Many Crowns
6. Holy, Holy, Holy
7. How Firm a Foundation
8. How Great Thou Art
9. I Am Thine, O Lord
10. I Surrender All
11. It Is Well With My Soul
12. Just As I Am
13. Near the Cross
14. Nearer, My God, to Thee
15. O Worship the King
16. Sweet Hour of Prayer
17. Take the Name of Jesus With You
18. The Solid Rock
19. There Is a Fountain
20. This Is My Father's World
21. 'Tis So Sweet to Trust In Jesus
22. To God Be the Glory
23. Victory In Jesus
24. What a Friend We Have In Jesus
25. When I Survey the Wondrous Cross

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