In this powerful book, Dr. Lindsted pours though the Word of God and teaches the details of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- What really happened at the trial of Jesus?
- What was the significance of the seven sayings from the cross?
- Did the crucifixion make Jesus a victim or victor?
- Why is the resurrection completely unique to Christianity?
- Dr. Robert Lindsted answers these questions and much, much more in The Power of the Cross.
“I wonder, TODAY, do you know the Person that gave His life on the cross? Have you put your faith in Him? If so, this book will help you know Him more intimately. If NOT, how sad to go through this life and never realize the power of that Man! Some may say, “Show me proof and I’ll believe,” and I’ve done so in this book. But Jesus would day, “Believe and then I will show you proof!”” – Dr. Robert Lindsted