John R. Rice

Rebuilding the Family Altar

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When the nation of Israel wandered from God and His commandments, He would raise up a godly leader to bring the people back to worship Him. Asa was sent for such a time and he "renewed the altar of the Lord" (II Chron. 15:8). When the chastened Manasseh sought to undo the damage of his ungodly reign, he "repaired the altar of the Lord" (33:16). Then when the remnant returned from captivity, their leaders "builded the altar of the God of Israel" (Ezra 3:2).

We have no temple with such an altar today, but as our country backslides farther from God, there is an altar we must rebuild if we are to have the revival we need. This is the family altar.

Dr. John R. Rice shows the promises God has given to those who love His Word and teach it diligently to their children. As our fathers claimed these promises around the altar in their homes, America rose to its position of prosperity. The current problems we face can be traced to the absence of this devotion to Scripture.

Dr. Rice gives some guidance in starting or restarting the family altar and pleads with God's people today to rebuild the Christian homes that gave strength to our churches and were a blessing to our land.


Sword of the Lord, pamphlet, 19 pages.

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