Horst Trojahn

Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2

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  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2
  • Rooted In Christ, Vol. 2


Topics in Volume 2 are: Worship-The Ultimate Priority, Spiritual Warfare, Life in the Spirit, Spiritual Gifts, A Heart for Evangelism, and Biblical Separation. 100 page workbook; paper.

Six week course for Jr. High – adult. 

Week 7: Worship: The Ultimate Priority
Day 1: A Divine Command
Day 2: Worship – A Definition
Day 3: Worship In The Old Testament
Day 4: Worship In The New Testament
Day 5: Worship – A Way Of Life
Day 6: Preparation For Worship
Day 7: Review

Week 8: Spiritual Warfare
Day 1: Satan – Who He Is
Day 2: Satan – What He Does
Day 3: What Jesus Did
Day 4: What We Can Do – Part 1
Day 5: What We Can Do – Part 2
Day 6: Our Key To Victorious (Abundant) Living
Day 7: Review

Week 9: Life In The Spirit
Day 1: Who Is The Holy Spirit?
Day 2: The Source Of Power
Day 3: Fruit Of The Holy Spirit
Day 4: The Upward Look
Day 5: The Outward Look
Day 6: The Inward Look
Day 7: Review

Week 10: Spiritual Gifts
Day 1: What Are Spiritual Gifts?
Day 2: Gifts vs. Talents
Day 3: Division Of Gifts
Day 4: Definition Of The Gifts
Day 5: Gifts: God’s Purpose and the Believer’s
Day 6: Dangers and Cautions
Day 7: Review

Week 11: A Heart for Evangelism
Day 1: A Life of Soul-Winning
Day 2: How Do I Become An Effective Witness?
Day 3: The Proclamation
Day 4: The Importance Of A Testimony
Day 5: The Procedure
Day 6: The New Believer and Follow-up – Part 1
Day 7: The New Believer and Follow-up – Part 2

Week 12: Biblical Separation
Day 1: Separated From God
Day 2: Spiritual Separation by Enmity
Day 3: The Practice of Biblical Separation – Part 1
Day 4: The Practice of Biblical Separation – Part 2
Day 5: Doctrinal Separation and Purity
Day 6: Ecclesiastical Separation
Day 7: Review

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