Positive Action For Christ

Route 66, Student Manual

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King: 1 in stock; Statesville: 1 in stock


Grades 6 - 8

Many of today's middle school students lack the basic knowledge of the Word of God that was typical in years past. This study is designed to provide that introduction and prepare them for the rich truths of Scripture. Route 66 integrates a fast-moving Bible survey with personal application and an emphasis on God's power and activity. During their journey, students visit all 66 books, from creation to the cross to the consummation of time.

The student's manual includes:

  • Content age-appropriate for middle school
  • 70 lessons (2 per week)
  • Illustrations and notes from the teacher's lesson
  • Original artwork to introduce each lesson
  • Additional student research for each lesson
  • Material usable with any Bible translation
  • Two-color design
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