"Christ has thrown the door of mercy wide open," and He stands crying out to all to accept His call. Delivered more than 250 years ago, "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" by Jonathan Edwards...
“Pray ye.” – Matt. 9: 38. The Word of the Father is a call to Prayer. Everywhere in His Word God calls His children to the prayer life. “Ask, and ye shall receive.” “And He spake a parable unto them...
What is Prayer? "...If we understand the word prayer as comprehending all forms of communication with God, we may apprehend that there are five specific categories of prayer: praise, petition,...
Product Description Prayer is a fascinating subject. The fact that we have been invited into the very throne room of God is one of the most overlooked opportunities available to the believer. There...
"[Prayer] has been the theme of prophets and apostles, and of all good people in all ages of the world..." Where God has worked, the people have prayed. Hannah pleaded for a son and received...