Every believer's heart echoes the disciples' request to Jesus-"Lord, teach us to pray." Christ not only teaches about the contents of our prayers, but about our attitudes and motives as well. In...
This Bible study by Dr. Clarence Sexton gives fifteen powerful lessons through the High Priestly Prayer of the Lord Jesus Christ. The Teacher’s Guide is a spiral bound notebook containing valuable...
Have you ever wanted to gain a greater understanding of the teachings of the Bible? Are you ready for some meat from the Word? As the second book in our Christian Growth discipleship series, this...
Bread is a universal staple. It's significant that Jesus Christ presented himself as bread that came down from heaven (John 6:51). Bread: For Hungry Christians is the third study in the Christian...
Designed for teachers who will be leading a FISH: For Witnessing Christians Bible study, the Teacher Manual features the same divisions and headings as the student's manual. Lesson and discussion...
This is the spiral bound Teacher's Manual that is included in the Phebe Fellowship Packet. This Teacher's Manual has additional material to be used in the lessons to keep the interest of the students...
Leadership is not always glamorous. Rather, it's filled with hardship and service. Though Moses had many God-given strengths admired by all, he still had weaknesses with which we all can identify...
This Teacher's Manual includes 30 Lessons - Lecture and discussion material on grace in relationships Lesson Objectives - Core target truths for each lesson Scripture Memory - Optional plan for...