S.M. Davis

The Christian's Code Of Honor CD

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We usually think of honor as tribute we show to other people, but honor is primarily a powerful force that transforms the life of the person who shows the honor.

One of the best ways to evaluate the character of a person is by noticing whom he honors or dishonors. To honor is to show respect by your words, your actions, and your countenance.

Eight times in the Bible children are told to honor their father and their mother.

If you have a code of honor, you will keep your word “no matter what.”

Watch for people to honor. Seek for ways to show honor.

Virtually every sin is a sin of dishonor.

Honor is a seed that you plant; you get what you honor. “Your future is determined by the people that you choose to honor.”

It is better to die showing honor than to live showing dishonor!

Running Time: 61 minutes
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