B.H. Carroll

The Inspiration of the Bible

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  • The Inspiration of the Bible
  • The Inspiration of the Bible


First published in 1930, this book of eight sermons by the late Benajah Harvey Carroll, founder and first president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, is a thrilling reminder to all modern Christians of their doctrinal heritage. Inerrancy is not a new issue in the life of the church, and this classic collection shows without doubt that the Baptist forefathers believed the Bible to be without error historically, scientifically, philosophically, and theologically. This new edition contains the original 1930 text, Carroll's eloquent and moving personal testimony, a foreword by W. A. Criswell, pastor of First Baptist Church in Dallas, and an introduction by Paige Patterson, president of the Criswell Center for Biblical Studies. Contents: Inspiration of the Scriptures As Believed by Baptists; The Question of Inspiration Re-opened by Higher Critics; Examples of Inspiration Explained; Luke's Case, and Other Important Relative Matters; Qualifying Facts Enabling Us to Limit Inspiration and State Its Meaning; Difficulties Met and Objections Answered; The Book of Daniel: An Outstanding Example of Inspiration; Some Questions Answered and a Resume of the Whole Discussion of Inspiration; Appendix: My Infidelity and What Became of It.

122 pages, Paperback

Reprinted by Christian Book Gallery

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