E.E. DeWitt

The Judgement Of God Upon America

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Since the United States is not mentioned in "end times" prophecy, it would seem that our demise as a world power will proceed the rapture. This is not necessary for God's time-table to be completed, but it does seem somehow to be obvious to any end time scenario as set forth in Scripture.

It is a fact of Scripture and history that nations have risen to great prominence as God has used them for His purposes. They have begun to deny, or ignore Him and have been replaced. We see this over and over again. God sets up kingdoms and then removes them in testament to His power and glory. We are no different in this ebb and flow of sinful humanities social and political progress and egress on the stage of humanities actions.

This nation now stands under the judgment of God. We have broken our solemn vows to the Lord of the universe.


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