Gail A. Riplinger

The Language of the King James Bible

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  • The Language of the King James Bible
  • The Language of the King James Bible


Uncovers NIV, NKJV, KJ21, NASB Pitfalls


The King James Bible contains God's Built-in Dictionary, defining each word, in its context, using the very words of the Webster's and Oxford English Dictionaries !
The King James Bible has a vocabulary and reading level which slowly builds progressively from Genesis to Revelation.
The King James Bible uses words with the appropriate sound symbolism. It has a vocabulary that phonaesthetically fulfills the Bible's own description of itself as "powerful."

The King James Bible is the only extant access we have to the pure language lexicons of the 16th and 17th centuries.
The King James Bible gives a transparent view of the Greek and Hebrew vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
The King James Bible has internationally recognizable vocabulary and spelling.
The King James Bible uses literary devices which enhance doctrinally important concepts and memorability.
The King James Bible has a sentence structure which enhances accurate doctrinal interpretation.
The King James Bible's words and sentences are patterned and woven through its fabric so as to provide a consistency of form and content.
The King James Bible has the precision and longevity of the legal document that it is. (To be equitable all English speaking persons must be judged by the same criteria.)

A.V. Publications, copyright 1998, paperback, 179 pages.

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