Rod Mattoon

Treasures From Ecclesiastes, Vol. 2

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This hardcover commentary was published in July 2020 by Lincoln Land Baptist Church.

It is 345 pages, and contains 15 chapters listed below on Ecclesiastes chapters 7-12.

1. Better Things for a Better Testimony
2. A Wealth of Wise Insights
3. The Identity of a Wise Man
4. The Influence and Impact of Wisdom
5. Insights about Those in Authority
6. You're Not So Smart After All
7. A King's Observations of Offensive Men
8. Clarity from Contemplations of the King
9. The Fundamentals of Foolishness
10. The Principles of Work and Investing
11. Rejoice!
12. Remember Your Creator
13. Remember Your Creator Lest You Forget Him
14. Remember thy Creator in Days of Thy Youth
15. Final Conclusions Before the Curtains Close

also includes Subject and Illustration Index

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