Faye Lopez

Trust His Word: Intermediate - Piano Book

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Product Description

This new collection of intermediate piano solos from Majesty Music includes songs that remind us that we can trust the Word of God - old favorites and newer selections, sometimes combined in a single arrangement. It is Faye's prayer that the the selections in this collection will direct our hearts to live a life of trust in His Word as we hope in Jesus; cry out to our Abba, Father; and draw nearer, still nearer to Him.

Selections include: My Hope Is Jesus with The Solid Rock  • God Sees the Heart  • Praise to the Lord, the Almighty with Worthy of Praise  • Jesus Paid It All  • Abba, Father  • Brethren, We Have Met to Worship  • Trust His Word with Only Trust Him  • Nearer, Still Nearer  • Here Am I, Lord with Lord, Send Me Anywhere  • I Stand Redeemed with Redeemed, How I Love to Proclaim It

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