James W. Knox

Understand the Scriptures

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Previously printed as "The Law and Rightly Dividing the Word Reconsidered"

Rightly dividing the word (2 Timothy 2:15) is the key that unlocks the door to so many Biblical truths.

These truths lay the neccesary foundation for a proper understanding of the word of God. It is impossible to be sound in doctrine or to teach the scriptures correctly without a working knowledge of these principles.

This series of studies covers all of the questions most frequently asked by students of the Bible.

In clear language and with full scriptural support, the truths regarding law and grace, Israel and the Church, the three kinds of men, the two advents of Christ, and many other vital scriptures are explained for the reader.

All who love truth will enjoy this book.


Paperback, 280 pages

Copyright 2009, James W. Knox

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