Laurence M. Vance

War, Empire, and the Military

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  • War, Empire, and the Military
  • War, Empire, and the Military


These 127 essays, although organized under seven headings, have one underlying theme: opposition to the warfare state that robs us of our liberty, our money, and in some cases our life. Conservatives who decry the welfare state while supporting the warfare state are terribly inconsistent. The two are inseparable. Libertarians who are opposed to war on principle, but support the state's bogus 'war on terrorism,' even as they remain silent about the U.S. global empire, are likewise contradictory.

Although many of these essays reference contemporary events, the principles discussed in all of them are timeless: war, militarism, empire, interventionism, and the warfare state.


Vance Publications, copyright 2014, paperback, 518 pages.

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