John R. Rice

When Mother Prays

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Today's busy mother is concerned not only with managing her home, but she is often bombarded by outside influences encouraging her to earn better, cook better, clean better, look better, and parent better. Self-help books, organizing tips, and checklists abound for the lady who is constantly trying to improve herself and her family. But for the Christian wife and mother, should these things really be high priorities?

Our Creator waits to hear from us, and He is ready to answer prayers and work miracles in our lives if we but ask in faith. In this booklet by Dr. John R. Rice, you will find examples from the Bible of mothers and other saints who prayed and received miraculous answers to their prayers. The woman who spends time with God and discovers His power in her life is accomplishing far more for eternity than those who obsess about temporal things. Let the Word of God encourage you to bring your needs to the throne of grace.


Sword of the Lord, booklet, 29 pages.

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