Paul Chappell

Which Justice?

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Examining the Social Justice Movement in Light of Scripture

What doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?—Micah 6:8

The modern social justice movement has raised significant questions for Christians who are committed to showing the compassion of Christ to a world in need.

Is there a difference between social justice and scriptural justice?
Does today’s social justice movement share the same goals as God’s command to His people to “do justly”?
If Christians are involved in the social justice movement, does that weaken their testimony or give them greater opportunity to share the gospel?
In these pages, Dr. Paul Chappell examines the justice God requires and contrasts it with common secular views of justice. Most importantly, he shares meaningful ways that Christians can advance justice through mercy and humility.


Striving Together Publications, copyright 2020, 90 pages, booklet.

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