Paul Kortepeter

Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I

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  • Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I
  • Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I
  • Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I
  • Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I
  • Writing & Rhetoric - Book 2: Narrative I


The Writing & Rhetoric series method employs fluent reading, careful listening, models for imitation, and progressive steps. It assumes that students learn best by reading excellent, whole-story examples of literature and by growing their skills through imitation. Each exercise is intended to impart a skill (or tool) that can be employed in all kinds of writing and speaking. The exercises are arranged from simple to more complex. What’s more, the exercises are cumulative, meaning that later exercises incorporate the skills acquired in preceding exercises. This series is a step-by-step apprenticeship in the art of writing and rhetoric.

Narrative I, the second book of 12 in the Writing & Rhetoric series, uses parable, myth, and other tales to continue the recovery of the proven method of teaching writing, using various forms of narrative to teach beginning writers the craft of writing well. This is the second in a series of 12 books that will train students over 6 years, starting in grades 3 or 4 and up.

Lessons include:

  • Beginning, middle, end
  • Written narration as well as oral
  • Longer writing assignments or corollary assignments, changing the order of the story
  • Main idea
  • Conflict (middle)
  • Adding dialogue to the amplification (and description)
  • Rewriting given stories
  • Speak it—oral encounter with the rewritten story

Product Information:

Title: Writing & Rhetoric Book 2: Student Edition
Format: Paperback
Vendor: Classical Academic Press
Weight: 16 ounces
ISBN-13: 9781600512186

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