Peggy Dalton

Young Cody Gets Saved

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King: 2 in stock; Statesville: 2 in stock


Cody is a child who has heard the gospel preached, but doesn’t have enough Bible knowledge to fully understand what salvation is all about. However, the Lord has spoken to his heart. He wants to go to Heaven. He wants to be saved. Where can he go to find someone to tell him how to get to Heaven? Will his parents be able to give him the information he seeks? He is a stranger in the church he has attended but a few times. Would he be brave enough to ask someone in that church for help? But he wants help now. He doesn’t know how long it will be before he goes back to that church. Could he ask his school teacher? No, school teachers are not allowed to talk about God and salvation.

Read Cody’s story to learn how he finally gets the help he needs to become a child of God. Maybe you also need the same information. Read Cody’s story. Learn how to become a born-again child of God. Learn how to lead a child to Christ. All of us need to know how to get to Heaven. All of us need to know Jesus.

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