Part of the Twelve Lessons series. An exposition of the New Testament book of II Corinthians chapters 8 through 13 including Paul’s instructions to the church concerning missions and a defense of his...
Part of the Twelve Lessons series. An exposition of the New Testament book of II Corinthians chapters 1 through 7 focusing on Paul’s defense of his apostleship and characteristics which define an...
Part of the Twelve Lessons series. This lesson book is a continuation of the commentary on James and the writer applies New Testament principles to Jewish believers who have come out from under the...
Part of the Twelve Lessons series. Part two of an expositional study of the Books of Acts containing twelve outlined lessons covering chapters 9-19 By Ronnie Simpson, Ph.D., Th.D., Ll.D., D.D...
Part of the Twelve Lessons series. This lesson book builds upon the 1st Epistle of John and is a verse by verse commentary using word studies to enhance the interpretation of II and III John. By...
Part of the Twelve Lessons series. This Lesson Book further defines the important doctrines of the Bible and provides a foundation for the new believer. By Eugene Goodman. Printed by Macedonia...