God commands a Christian to "put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfil the lusts thereof." Rom. 13:14 The character of Jesus Christ is to be bound to the life...
Everyone needs three homes. We receive a heavenly home when we come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as our personal Saviour. We need a church home where God’s Word is preached and taught in the power...
This lesson book differentiates between secular counseling and Christian counseling. Christian counseling is nouthetic or confronting and admonishing the believer with the Word of God as its basis.
Begin the Christian Home Crusade in your heart and home. Determine to obey the Lord in every area of your life and family. Continue the crusade in your church home. Determine to live a life...
We are enabled by the indwelling Holy Spirit to live as first-century Christians lived. We suffer greatly today from low expectations in the Christian life. We must have a revolution back to the...
Thirty lessons taken from the pages of the word of God to enable individuals, groups, or Sunday School classes, to understand the Biblical truths which enable women of all ages to become virtuous...
In John 17:17 Christ proclaimed: “Thy word is truth.” Dr. Sexton deals with truths every believer should possess in order to live a fruitful and victorious life. He begins with the foundation of...